Less is more. This is why frameless shower screens are trendy. Many love the minimalist, modern, sleek design of frameless glass screens.


The use of glass makes bathrooms appear larger. With frameless glass, you won’t see a lot of hardware that might take away from the appeal.

The great thing about frameless glass shower screens is that it can be customized. Cutting the glass to a form that will fit your design is easy to do. It is crucial to work with a qualified glazier in order to get the measurement and installation right.

Because there isn’t a lot of crevices in frameless doors, there’s not a lot of space where water accumulates and grow molds.


Frameless doors can get very expensive depending on the size of your shower. Glass, in general, will cost more.

Ask your glazier to treat the glass screen from water spots. Remember, treatments can cost extra and lose its effectiveness over time.

If you don’t want to spend on extra glass treatment, there are water repelling cleaning solution that you can buy and it will not cost a lot upfront. But, over time, you will find that are spending more on cleaning for non-natural cleaning products.

If you are prepared to take on the disadvantages of incorporating frameless glass shower screens, give us a call. Diverse Glazing Group has a team of qualified glaziers who will work with your design ideas.
